Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Relationship Between Ireland And Great Britain
Connection Between Ireland And Great Britain The years during 1815-1922 saw various huge occasions that would promote Irish patriotism and finish with the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921. OConnells Catholic Emancipation Bill brought about Irish government assistance turning into a key element in British legislative issues from that point onward. However, his resulting inability to speak to popular assessment prompted the split with Young Ireland. OConnells disappointment combined with the view of detachment showed by the British during the Great Famine, prompted the development of radicalized patriotism. Additionally, the expanded displacement to the USA, as an outcome of the starvation, brought about a developing threatening disposition towards the British and prompted the surfacing of new extreme gatherings. Thus, the underlying disappointment of Parnells Home Rule development prompted further radicalisation among patriots. By the by, its drawn out importance can't be denied: the death of the third Home Rule bill in 1912 was appar ently a consequence of Parnells starting capacity to persuade the Liberals of the requirement for such a bill. The possibility of Home Rule, be that as it may, prompted the development of the UVF. For sure, the Curragh revolt that followed featured Asquiths faltering commitment to tying down Home Rule to patriots. Such acknowledge persuaded the IRB of the requirement for the Rising of 1916. Unquestionably, the Easter Rising catalyzed a progression of occasions which saw the fall of the I.P.P. furthermore, the rise of Sinn Fein. Besides, the rising went about as a motivation for Sinn Fein to follow and gave a level of authenticity to their objective. Accordingly, in spite of the incredible importance of the past occasions, the Easter Rising can be viewed as a defining moment as it supplanted the moderate target of accomplishing Home Rule with the more goal-oriented point of Dominion Status. All the more significantly, it motivated Sinn Fein to abuse the expanding compassion of the Br itish open, which put focus on the British government to make a bargain; past occasions had neglected. The Catholic Emancipation Act 1829 can be viewed as a conclusive second in the British and Irish inquiry. It filled in as an overwhelming hit to the protestant Ascendancy, which had been available since the late seventeenth century; they had now lost their political and financial matchless quality. Essentially, it changed the texture of British legislative issues: it prompted the rise of an Irish gathering in the House of Commons. Just because, the Irish Question was revealed to the British government. Irish government assistance was presently to turn into a key component in British legislative issues. Furthermore, OConnells notoriety was exemplified in the County Clare appointment of 1828. Unquestionably, the political decision showed the force and the potential outcomes that could be accomplished with mass sentiment. Along these lines, OConnells beginning even minded capacity can't be denied: Oliver MacDonagh composes that before 1843 OConnell pioneered the path Westminsterâ [1]â . In any case, after this period OConnells record is one of reverberating disappointment. There was an expanding isolate between OConnells philosophy and overall population conclusion. OConnells supported idea of quiet strategies to accomplish repeal started a developing view of OConnells tentativeness among the populace. As Quigley contends his accentuation on moral power strategies was unreasonably obsolete for the Irish national movementâ [2]â . His split with Young Ireland, a gathering that currently upheld the utilization of power, strengthens this thought. By and by, OConnells activities were unquestionably huge over the span of the British and Irish inquiry: as a result of his activities Irish government assistance turned into a key issue at Westminster. Likewise, OConnells quiet and established strategies were received by various people and stayed conspicuous all through various resulting years. At last, be that as it may, it can't be viewed as the defining moment as the mass help for OConnell was fleeting; this was trailed by the torpidity of the I.P.P. for a long time. Oliver MacDonagh deduces In the end he flopped ignobly two decades later his motivations and procedures had appeared to be nearly to have vanished.â [3]â The Great Famine certainly changed the course of the connection among Britain and Ireland. As a result of the starvation, progressively extreme methodologies were utilized. Youthful Ireland, who censured the British government for the starvation, sorted out the furnished disobedience of 1848; the insubordination was, be that as it may, an awesome disappointment. However, it is critical to consider the more extensive setting the starvation prompted a time of political detachment. As F.S.L. Lyons expresses the resistance was thoroughly distant from the universe of realityâ [4]â . The resistance was noteworthy, in this way, just in the long haul: it was a potential motivation to future replacements for the republic to be battled and kicked the bucket for. There was a component of affliction, which turned out to be progressively noticeable in resulting years. Obviously, it is questionable that this component of affliction may have roused the blood penance, which was clear in the 1916 r ising. However this is a to some degree romanticized see, all things considered, the revolutionaries understood that the established strategies for Gladstone and Parnell were not working and that patriotism was passing on. Along these lines, it is like OConnell downfall: there was a basic acknowledgment that protected strategies were not compelling enough in convincing the British Government to institute change; mass assessment was similarly vital. The Great Famine likewise prompted mass migration with around 2,000,000 moving to the USA. This was definitely started by the across the board idea of surrender towards the British government. A few history specialists venture to presume that the British governments activities comprised decimation: J.P. Sweeney contends that the administration controlled destiny by pushing individuals to the verge of eradication and dismissing so not to hear the wailingâ [5]â . The counter British feeling spread to the USA and this therefore observed the development of the Fenians. For sure, Fenian shock in 1867, for example, the episode in Manchester whereby the agitators got known as the Manchester Martyrs, ostensibly started Gladstones strategic appease Ireland. Additionally, the American association denoted a significant advance in the development of Irish-American political and money related help for Irish patriot developments. In spite of the development of patriot radicalisation, such gatherings stayed to draw across the board support among the Irish populace. Parnells Home Rule development and its resulting protected increases set a trend for change. His responsibility to seeking after sacred techniques was in direct differentiation to the illegal strategies for the Irish Nationalist Brotherhood, and this empowered Parnell to agree with the Irish Government. Unquestionably, Parnell was compelling in separating himself from the viciousness that was utilized by such gatherings: the stun Parnell showed after the Phoenix Murders empowered Parnell to make enormous established gains as the legislature didn't see him as a danger he made the idea of Home Rule a reasonable target; up to this point nobody had approached. The possible disappointment of Home Rule, be that as it may, prompted activist radical gatherings to surface. By and by, Parnell profoundly affected Anglo-Irish history. Parnell was, amazingly, ready to persuade a lion's share of the Irish populace that Home Rule was a reasonable alternative. Verifiably, as Adelman states he turned the subject of Home Rule from an unclear perfect into handy politicsâ [6]â . In addition, much after his passing, the heritage of Parnells Home Rule development formed the approaches of the Liberals. The presentation of the 1912 Home Rule Bill was, as Patricia Jalland states, ostensibly the intelligent outcome of a long-standing commitmentâ [7]â . It was Parnells Home Rule activity that at first persuaded the Liberals of the need to embrace a strategy of Home Rule, and therefore the death of the 1912 Bill can be straightforwardly credited to Parnells before protected strategies. Obviously, this went before numerous long stretches of completely ineffect ive endeavors by other Irish Nationalist occasions; as one student of history features, a couple of years already it was hard to accept any home guideline bill would have had a sensible possibility of turning out to be law in the present generationâ [8]â . The assurance to make sure about Home Rule brought about activist gatherings reemerging. The Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) presently legitimately restricted the similarly activist Irish Volunteers. Unionist pioneers sorted out a Solemn League and Covenant, which pulled in more than 250,000 marks and promised to oppose the arrangement of Home Rule by every single fundamental mean. Likewise, the Curragh Mutiny uncovered the compassion of armed force officials towards the unionists. Normally, unionist arrangements for a furnished revolt activated comparable arrangements by the patriots. The centrality of the revolt lies in the UVFs acknowledgment of the British governments absence of help from the military. Conversely, for the patriots, the insurrection validated their premonitions of Asquiths vacillating duty to Home Rule. Besides, the waiting possibility of common war prompted an acknowledgment that any future endeavor of Home Rule would bring about comparable clash. Along these lines, as it were, the acknowledgment that common war may have happened empowered the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921 to work: it guaranteed the thought of the parcel of Ulster-in the event that this was not thought of, at that point the arrangement may well have separated. While this was not a defining moment in itself, it made the chance of a later settlement a genuine chance. The declaration of war in 1914 eclipsed the militancy of most patriots and unionists. However the possibility of a diverted and extended British government combined with the ongoing arrangement of the Irish Volunteers, persuaded the IRB to exploit the circumstance: on Easter Monday 1916, rebels raged the GPO. The seriously unforgiving disciplines the British government accordingly utilized started an across the board against British opinion among th
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Manage Stress at University Essays
Oversee Stress at University Essays Oversee Stress at University Essay Oversee Stress at University Essay Stress happens in human life is recurrence on the grounds that there are many test individuals need to look in every day. Likewise it is a piece of student’s life, when the understudy learn at college, they may confront increasingly troublesome issue, for example, more desire from their folks, monetary issues, test or task. There are numerous definitions about pressure, one meaning of pressure is the body’s response from any circumstance or felt that changes a physical, mental or passionate modification or reaction. (Morrow, 2009) Sometimes fitting pressure is useful for understudy as it pushed them to work better. It implies that they can improve their exhibition, remembering for test. Nonetheless, stress bring hurtful more than valuable, it can separate to physical and mental to introduce itself. In this paper, it will discuss the manifestations of stress and techniques of oversee worry at college. At the point when understudy was overpowered by pressure, it can appear by physical. Torment may ordinary in our life however at some point it is a direct result of pressure, despite the fact that we may not understand it, for example, cerebral pain, back torment, chest agony and stomach upset, that is the side effects of pressure. Likewise, long time living with pressure can influence wellbeing, it might prompt some infection, for example coronary illness, heart palpitations and hypertension. One of the side effects of pressure is rest issues, it can influence understudy visit neglect or diminished efficiency at test, additionally, long time can't get enough rest that can cause diminished invulnerability. (Mayo Clinic staff,2009) Moreover, stress can realize mental issue. There are a few indications is about feeling was influenced by pressure. At the point when understudy live under tension, they may consistently feel outrage and they will contending with their companions or adores one by little incitement or no explanation. Stress additionally can cause understudy to feel desolate or disconnected, they may trigger crying jags, at times apparently abruptly, even they may sob for easily overlooked details inconsequential to their pressure. Moreover, a lot of worry to take, it will cause understudy to stay away from the issues, feel sad or basically surrender and incessant pressure can create to discouragement or tension issue. They may think pessimism when they can’t adapt to pressure. As they are naturally anticipate the most noticeably terrible or amplify the negative parts of any unwanted circumstance. (Mayo Clinic staff, 2010) There are numerous systems to adapt of worry, here will give two strategies to assist understudy with adapting great to stretch. Initially, when you can’t maintain a strategic distance from a pressure circumstance, attempt to transform it that may include change the method of convey and work in the day by day life. Understudy may feel hatred now and then, some of them will suffer it yet it's anything but a decent method to bargain the pressure. At the point when understudy burdensome their feeling in a long haul, it might create to dysfunctional behavior. The better technique is communicating their sentiments and finds the most ideal method of correspondence. On the off chance that doesn't to pass on the emotions, the malcontented circumstance will probably continue as before. Something we must be happy to settle. At the point when we trust others to change the treatment to ourselves, others are anticipating very similar things. For instance, if the two sides fight about something, they can commonly causing a trade off and that to can serene to tackle the issue. Oversee time better likewise can assist with lessening pressure, as poor time the board can make time be scatter and impact to contemplate. Smith, Jaffe-Gill amp; Segal, 2008) Make an every day plan, from get-togethers to assignments to housework, and particular the quality activities, it better is successful and don’t neglect to save time for rest. Furthermore, some wellspring of stress is unavoidable and incapable to change, the most ideal way is figure out how to ack nowledge. Life has an excessive number of things under the influence, for example, demise, infection and conduct of others. Understudy may concentrate on something can control without anyone else, similar to response of the issue and attempt to confront it positive. There are many test is a piece of advancement, maybe we may blame all the while, attempt to gain from botch and improve the imperfection. Likewise, share the involvement in somebody can trust until defeat by pressure. Indeed, even it doesn't have any practical activity, in any event it can discharge negative feeling. The world isn't great, everybody can commit an error and that is a reality understudy need to acknowledge, so figure out how to excuse, life will be simpler. Negative state of mind can cause understudy settle on an off-base choice and injury the spirits without anyone else, in this way let go of the negative vitality that is the most ideal approach on of life. Smith, Jaffe-Gill amp; Segal) all in all, stress is profoundly influencing our life, nobody can dodge it. It is influence to physical and mental and it can prompt medical issue. In this way, oversee pressure is significant. Attempt to modify the circumstance and acknowledge the things can’t change, regardles s of whether something out of our desire, attempt to confront it be hopeful. Understudy likewise can do some activity to loosen up themselves. Despite the fact that this article just is composed two types of pressure and methodologies, understudies will get these issues typically. Reference list Morrow, A. R. N. 2009, Stress Definition, saw June 18, http://biting the dust. session. com/od/glossary/g/stress. htm Mayo Clinic staff, 2009, Stress manifestations: Effects on your body, sentiments and conduct, saw Feb, 20, mayoclinic. com/wellbeing/stress-manifestations/SR00008_D Mayo Clinic staff, 2010, Stress the board: Reexamine your pressure responses, saw July 23, mayoclinic. com/wellbeing/stress-the board/SR00032 Smith, M. M. A. Jaffe-Gill, E. M. A. amp; Segal, R. M. A. 2008, Stress Management How to Reduce, forestall, and Cope with Stress, saw December, helpguide. organization/mental/stress_management_relief_coping. htm#authors
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
How the Negative Photo Illusion Works
How the Negative Photo Illusion Works Theories Cognitive Psychology Print How the Negative Photo Illusion Works By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Daniel B. Block, MD on January 23, 2020 twitter linkedin Daniel B. Block, MD, is an award-winning, board-certified psychiatrist who operates a private practice in Pennsylvania. Learn about our Medical Review Board Daniel B. Block, MD on January 23, 2020 geloo, modified by Kendra Cherry More in Theories Cognitive Psychology Behavioral Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology Did you think that you needed a darkroom to process a negative photo into a full-color image? In this fun optical illusion, you can see how your visual system and brain are actually able to briefly create a color image from a negative photo. How to Perform the Illusion Stare at the dots located at the center of the womans face for about 30 seconds to a minute.Then turn your eyes immediately to the center x of the white image on the right of the womans face.Blink quickly several times. What do you see? If youve followed the directions correctly, you should see an image of a woman in full-color. If you are having trouble seeing the effect, try staring at the negative image a bit longer or adjusting how far you are sitting from your computer monitor. Explanations How does this fascinating visual illusion work? What you are experiencing is known as a negative afterimage. This happens when the photoreceptors, primarily the cone cells, in your eyes become overstimulated and fatigued causing them to lose sensitivity. In normal everyday life, you dont notice this because tiny movements of your eyes keep the cone cells located at the back of your eyes from becoming overstimulated. Why Do People Experience Afterimages as an Optical Illusion? If, however, you look at a large image, the tiny movements in your eyes arent enough to reduce overstimulation. As a result, you experience what is known as a negative afterimage. As you shift your eyes to the white side of the image, the overstimulated cells continue to send out only a weak signal, so the affected colors remain muted. However, the surrounding photoreceptors are still fresh and so they send out strong signals that are the same as if we were looking at the opposite colors. The brain then interprets these signals as the opposite colors, essentially creating a full-color image from a negative photo. According to the opponent process theory of color vision, our perception of color is controlled by two opposing systems: a magenta-green system and a blue-yellow system. For example, the color red serves as an antagonist to the color green so that when you stare too long at a magenta image you will then see a green afterimage. The magenta color fatigues the magenta photoreceptors so that they produce a weaker signal. Since magentas opposing color is green, we then interpret the afterimage as green.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - 1600 Words
In recent years there has been much dispute over the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, on the armed forces. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a medical condition that affects the physiology of the brain. It commonly affects those who have experienced or witnessed stressful events, such as war. PTSD was generally referred to as â€Å"shell-shock†in the military, until an improved and more inclusive definition of the disease was discovered. Wartime environments contain a multitude of factors which are all potential causes of PTSD such as duress accredited to resounding explosions, pressure to survive, being far from home, and moral injury. Even though PTSD manifests itself so frequently in soldiers, there is little care provided for treatment of PTSD. This is a dangerous issue considering the close link between PTSD, suicide, and depression. Readily available, empathetic, and compassionate health care is a necessity for combatting this illness. Soldiers fight to protect the lives of American citizens, and deserve to be protected by those for whom they fought. The military should provide more funding, and better, more available health care for their soldiers because of the rise of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the armed services and the unfavorable effects it has on the armed services. To fully understand Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, one must begin at the diagnosis. Soldiers are trained how to shoot guns, disable improvised explosive devices (IEDs), andShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder1494 Words  | 6 PagesCauses and Effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) Post-Traumatic stress disorder has affected humans probably as long as we have had a higher consciousness, but it is only recently that researchers, medical professionals and psychotherapists have had much understanding into its nature and treatment. Although this disorder may be easy to describe, the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder negatively affect a person’s mental health, physical health, work andRead MoreThe Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder1302 Words  | 6 Pagesconducted by insert names here, pre-employment personality traits can easily predict posttraumatic stress symptoms among firefighters and military as the symptoms develop. Job duration and heightened level of emotional stress are also predicting traits among experienced firefighters. Police officers are considered a high-risk group where definite identifying predictors of post-traumatic stress disorder are present. Predictors that were included in the study were the following variables: intr usionsRead MoreEffects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder1036 Words  | 5 PagesEffects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder A study by Possemato, K., Pratt, A., Barrie, K., Ouimette, P (2015) that showed how PTSD affects returning veterans and the individuals in contact with them by using a method of a longitudinal study examining daily fluctuations in PTSD and alcohol use among OEF (Operation Enduring Freedom)/OIF (Operation Iraqi Freedom) combat veterans recruited from VA primary care Inclusion criteria consisted of combat during an OEF/OIF deployment, hazardous alcoholRead MoreThe Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay1525 Words  | 7 PagesCauses and Effects of PTSD Post-traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that occurs following a traumatic experience. PTSD happens to seven-point eight percent of Americans at some point in their lives. With women, twice as likely as men to develop. That equals out to be forty-four -point seven million people struggling with PTSD. Not only a soldier returning home from war experiences PTSD. Any person that has experienced a traumatic situation can have the potential of experiencingRead MoreThe Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder1102 Words  | 5 Pagesone might look into. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can be life changing for one, therefore there are people who look for ways in which to erase bad memories but don’t know the consequences from the decision. Most people who suffer from PTSD are usually Veterans and people who experienced hurtful or dangerous things in the past. In the article â€Å"Erasing bad memories†Stacy Lu, she says show a bad memory can affect people who have anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and phobias. She saidRead MoreThe Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder2424 Words  | 10 PagesPost-traumatic stress condition is a disorder that grows in a number of people who have had a visual experience or at a certain point of their lives they had lived through a scary, dangerous or a shocking event. Events that can lead to the posttraumatic disorders include warfare, terrifying road accidents, sexual assault, and any other event that may pause a threat on an individual’s life. Majority of individuals who had gone through traumatic events normally have low chances of development of posttraumaticRead MoreEffects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder2959 Words  | 12 PagesThe harmfu l effects of being exposed to combat is one of the reasons why Veterans start to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and are unable to get back to their everyday lives. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), is known to be very usual amongst veterans in combat. Aggressive or violent behavior in individuals with PTSD is the beginning of many marital problems and the effects of PTSD on relationship functioning include emotional detachment, decreased expressiveness, increased aggressiveRead MoreThe Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder On A Family1183 Words  | 5 PagesThe Effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on a Family The symptoms of Post-traumatic stress can vary from patient from patient. Most common symptoms are flashbacks, hyper arousal and avoidance. The first article is â€Å"Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Adolescent Survivors of Childhood Cancer and Their Families: A Randomized Clinical Trial.†In this article the researchers put together a random wait list control trial. They would have an intervention with the family of a cancer survivorRead MoreThe Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder1749 Words  | 7 PagesWith the ever growing epidemic of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and extended and more frequent deployments, the supportive approach is not only utilized, but is essential. The average deployment for the Army is 12 months deployed, followed by 12 months at home station, quite an extended separation from family. Reports have also shown that 5.5% of the population has been diagnosed with PTSD, whereas 13.2% have been identified within operational military u nits that have been deployed to Iraq and AfghanistanRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder1539 Words  | 7 Pagesisn’t the cause in many men and women returning home from today’s wars. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can result from a number of different traumatic events, but the intensity and duration of some people’s reactions can be quite different but that also has many factors. The negative effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is affecting families and the effects it has on families of patients. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder isn’t something new that has just appeared it’s something people have been
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Ultimate College Application Essay Prompts 2014 Samples Trick
The Ultimate College Application Essay Prompts 2014 Samples Trick The Ultimate College Application Essay Prompts 2014 Samples Trick The cost of an essay rides on the quantity of effort the writer has to exert. The better part of the essay employs standard English and English grammar. Really, the application essays are a lot closer to a quick story. In this instance, attempt to hit the minimal words required and make certain that the essay which you will write is packed with relevant info and useful information. Because everybody has a story to tell. There isn't a prompt to direct you, which means you must ask yourself the questions that will get at the center of the story you would like to tell. There are a few things you can do in your essay to be noticed and get accepted. Not only are you going to describe the challenge itself, but you will speak about what you did when faced with that. College Application Essay Prompts 2014 Samples - Dead or Alive? Sample college admissi on essays give applicants an opportunity to figure what things to write and what things to avoid. Your college essay should contain information that relate to the instruction provided to you. Just because you've already written a college essay for a single university doesn't mean that it may also apply on your next applications. Writing the college application essay can be among the most daunting sections of applying to college. Getting the Best College Application Essay Prompts 2014 Samples If you are in need of a well-crafted essay, then you can count on us to deliver. Stephen's essay is quite effective. Before you commence writing your college essay, you might want to see the essay examplesA that we've listed for you, so that you may have more idea on what things to put in the college essay you will create. Despite exceptional grades, a poorly written essay gives you a poor name. Individual schools sometimes need supplemental essays. The majority of the colleges utilize the typical application essay prompts. So many students believe that they know what colleges want from an applicant, and this may have a huge influence above their essays. Therefore, many students and employees decide to get low-cost essay rather than writing it themselves. Since you are interested in getting the essay to communicate the ideal information about you, you have to do thorough preparation for the sample college admission essays to attain its purposes. Instead, you've got to realize that inside this essay, like in the rest of the essays, the how matters a whole lot more than the what. Admission essays should not be boring. Our admission essay examples can prove that we're here in order to provide simply the very best assistance to assure you which you submit an application essay you can be confident in. What Everybody Dislikes About College Application Essay Prompts 2014 Samples and Why Well-done samples offer an education in format. It's very valuable to take writing apart so as to see just the way that it accomplishes its objectives. It is recommended to look for the one which has a very good reputation and offers high-quality papers at economical prices. This prompt is a superb option if you would like to explore a single event or achievement that marked a very clear milestone in your private development. A lot of college authorities ask you to compose an application essay before getting an admission. Choosing where to go to college is an amazingly important choice. Colleges want to get a feeling of maturity and introspectionpinpoint the transformation and demonstrate your private growth. They are more likely to admit students who can articulate specific reasons why the school is a good fit for them beyond its reputation or ranking on any list. One of the most difficult facets of college life is finances. When you start to compose your college application essay, think about all the things which make you the person which you are. By the conclusion of high school, several of the experiences which you're most proud of don't have a tendency to be the type of things that wind up on your resume. The huge pothole on Elm Street that my mother was able to hit each day on the best way to school would be filled -in. This sort of essay typically includes a minimum of 250 words. The way you start your application essay is vital to how well it's going to be received. If you've got this tool on hand, it is simple to improve certain areas of the essay before finally writing the college essay which you will submit. For a beginning, the typical application essay topics need you to use language that's totally free from language flaws and grammatical mistakes. Generally, the very first, setup, section of the essay needs to be shorter, as it won't be focused on what you were doing. This section gives the applicant a chance to earn a last statement to the reader. Replace a number of the cliched language.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Statement Of Interest Free Essays
Among other things, I have this diversity of experience to offer the Global Transaction Team. My passion for sustainable environment and resource protection is more than a decade. My University project research investigated the effects of tannery effluents and other industrial wastes on aquatic resources, 2000. We will write a custom essay sample on Statement Of Interest or any similar topic only for you Order Now Collected effluents from industries in plateau State, Nigeria and prepared various concentrations with which I exposed Recommits SSP (Tailpipe). The findings were valuable and highly revealing. These findings have been used by government agencies for regulatory policies. In my first degree I was awarded the University Scholar Award and university undergraduate scholarship consecutively for 3 years and graduated among the best. Over the years I worked in the Banking and Finance industry in Nigeria. I have processed facilities for financing small to medium and large scale enterprises and have managed these business relationships and portfolios for several years. This in the long run will contribute to a strong private sector-driven economy. In the past four years, I worked as Head of Operations, Zenith Bank Ply leading a team of hardworking and result-oriented workforce. Professionally, I have contributed innovative to the growth and success of my organization as the founding member of the bank wide operations committee. My responsibilities include sound business decisions, dispute resolution, negotiation and commercial skills. I trained in Leadership skills, interpersonal skills, Risk management, financial statement analysis, Credit assessment, Effective Writing, Communication, and Management skills and on a leadership Award in the Bank in 2012. My present field, MBA in Agribusiness, has given a strong foundation to my analytical skills focusing on Quantitative Techniques in Management, Research Methods and Statistical Analysis, and a deeper understanding into the Principles and Practice of Crop Production, Principles and Practice of Animal Production, Fisheries Management, Commercial Production of Foodstuffs and Quality, Food Processing Technology and Practices, Food Industry and Agribusiness System, and Economics for Agribusiness managers among others. My most recent reservation on Integrated Fish Farming was rated excellent. This study focused on Echo-Farming in which the maximum utilization of resources including wastes is proportionately related to minimum damage Of the environment. I pointed to the consciousness of my audience why the world food production could grow significantly to feed the ever growing population, yet the loss of soil fertility, industrial activity and solicitation of agricultural lands will continue to hamper such increased productivity. Suggesting, I reiterated organic waste reclamation, recycling and re-use in integrated yester with treatment, incineration, landfill and composting to drastically reduce waste, and achieve minimum disruption to the environment, as well as the best financial result possible. Such is evidenced in Shanghai Farms, Porto novo. My primary interest lies in Agribusiness and I will explore its great potential to generate jobs. The practical agribusiness-based MBA understudies agricultural farms with direct experiences such as Durance Farms, and Charter Farms practicing commercial production in fisheries and poultry, as well as other commercial farming of Cassava, Rice, and Yams etc. Seed in production of a variety of staple foods, and also as industrial raw materials for Ethanol, Starch industries etc. Animal husbandry employs sellers, farm attendants, veterinary doctors, feed millers, researchers and transporters. How to cite Statement Of Interest, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Literary Criticism Perfume by Patrick Suskind Essay Example
Literary Criticism: Perfume by Patrick Suskind Paper Perfume by Patrick Suskind is a fictional tale that takes place in eighteenth century France. This novel is about a boy named Jean-Baptiste Grenouille who has a supernatural ability to smell, but lacks a scent. He experienced childhood traumas which eventually shaped him to be the way he is as he grew into an adult. Grenouille faced a life of isolation, had a desire to be loved, and took advantage of his talents and abilities. Grenouille was born a supernatural ability to remember and discern different smells, but he himself did not have a scent. It was a gift that he eventually took advantage of. His keen sense of smell definitely exceeded a regular person’s ability to smell. He used gift to create his own perfume to get people to like him. However, he realized the affection given to him was unreal. Grenouille used his gift to his advantage to make the perfume, unaware that he was affecting others too. He kept taking more and more virgins for their scent all for his one perfume that he was making. We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Criticism: Perfume by Patrick Suskind specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Criticism: Perfume by Patrick Suskind specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Criticism: Perfume by Patrick Suskind specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Grenouille had lived nearly his entire lifetime alone and unwanted. Once he was born, his mother already desired to get rid of him. â€Å"She confesses, openly admitting that she would definitely have let the thing perish†(Suskind 6). He has been passed onto several wet nurses, a priest by the name of Father Terrier, and a woman named Madame Gaillard. Grenouille lived a life of isolation. Many simply did not want to interact with him, including other children in Madame Gaillard mainly because he lacked a scent. Other individuals believed it was abnormal and therefore treated him negatively. As a grown adult, he then ended up isolating himself from others. â€Å"He had withdrawn solely for his own personal pleasure, only to be near to himself. No longer distracted by anything external, he basked in his own existence and found it splendid†(Suskind 123). Grenouille withdrew himself from others and society because as a child, he was basically
Friday, March 20, 2020
Night by elie weisel essays
Night by elie weisel essays The novel Night, by Elie Weisel, is a emotional-filled volume of a first person account of the horrors and unthinkable cruelty dealt to a innocent child during the holocaust. Critics throughout the world raved at this literary masterpiece calling it A Slim Volume Of Terrifying Power# and exclaiming To the best of my knowledge no one has left behind him so moving a record.# This truly horrific account is a must read for any young adult, and should be put onto reading lists worldwide indefinitely. This novel uses many accounts of symbolism to paint a vivid picture of death and to set a dreary atmosphere. Cold images of people being brutally beaten, towering chimneys used to burn family and friends symbolizing death and suffering, German SS officers symbolizing fear to all that succumbs to them. Right next to us the high chimney of the crematory oven rose up. It no longer made any impression on us. It scarcely attracted our attention, this line symbolizes the loss of hope and extremely low moral these refugees became to know as life. This book was written in a very descriptive style, taking full advantage of his first-person experience to write with gruesome detail. The writer uses descriptive sentences to immerse the reader in the experience. Another key aspect of technique in his writing is his use of rhetorical questions. Where is the divine mercy? Where is god? How can I believe, how can anyone believe, in this merciful god?, is a line containing three rhetorical questions used to work on a readers emotion. Major characters in the story are Eliser, Moshe the Beadle, and Elisers father. Eliser is the main charactor and author of the book. The novel follows young Eliser through the ups and downs of his visits through the concentration camps. He is a timid young man, not well educated and not emotionally equipped for this journey. Moshe the Beadle is a charac...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Demographic Trends of Gun Ownership in the U.S.
Demographic Trends of Gun Ownership in the U.S. The perception of who owns guns in the U.S. is heavily shaped by stereotypes perpetuated by news media, film, and television. The armed black man (or boy) is one of the most pervasive images in our media culture, but the image of the armed white southerner, the military veteran, and the hunter are common too. The results of a 2014 Pew Research Center survey revealed that while some of these stereotypes hold true, others are way off the mark, and possibly quite damaging in their mischaracterization. 1 in 3 Americans Live in a Home With Guns Pews survey, which included 3,243 participants from across the country, found that just over a third of all American adults have guns in their homes. The rate of gun ownership is slightly higher for men than for women, and fairly even across the nation, with the exception of the northeast, where just 27 percent have them, as compared with 34 percent in the west, 35 percent in the midwest, and 38 percent in the south. Pew also found similar rates of ownership among those with children in the home and those without about a third across the board. Thats where the general trends end and significant differences emerge around other variables and characteristics. Some of them may surprise you. Older, Rural, and Republican Americans Are More Likely to Own Guns The study found that gun ownership is highest among those over 50 years of age (40 percent) and lowest among young adults (26 percent), while ownership among middle-aged adults mimics the overall trend. At 51 percent, gun ownership is far more likely among rural residents than all others and lowest in urban areas (25 percent). Its also far more likely among those who affiliate with the Republican party (49 percent) than among those who are Independents (37 percent) or Democrats (22 percent). Ownership by ideology conservative, moderate, and liberal shows the same distribution. White People Are Twice as Likely to Own Guns Than Blacks and Hispanics The really surprising result given the way violence is present within racial stereotypes has to do with race. White adults are twice as likely to have guns at home than are blacks and Hispanics. While the overall rate of ownership among whites is 41 percent, it is just 19 percent among blacks and 20 percent among Hispanics. In other words, while more than 1 in 3 white adults lives in a house with guns, just 1 in 5 black or Hispanics adults do the same. It is gun ownership among white people, then, that drives the national rate up to 34 percent. However, despite this disparity in ownership by race, blacks and Hispanics are far more likely than whites to be the victims of gun homicide. That rate is highest for Blacks, which is likely influenced by the over-representation of homicide by police among this racial group, especially since they are the racial group least likely to actually own guns. Pews data also reveal a significant trend at the intersection of race and geography: nearly half of all white southerners have guns in the home. (The low rate of ownership among blacks in the south brings the overall rate for the region down by nine percentage points.) Gun Owners Are More Likely to Identify as a Typical American Perhaps most fascinating (and troubling) among the findings is the set of data that show a connection between gun ownership and American values and identity. Those who own guns are more likely than the general population to identify as a typical American, to claim honor and duty as core values, and to say that they often feel proud to be American. And, while those who own guns are also more likely to consider themselves outdoor people, just 37 percent of gun owners identify as hunters, fishers, or sportsmen. This finding would seem to debunk the common sense notion that people keep firearms for hunting. In fact, most do not actually hunt with them. Pews Findings Raise Questions About Gun Crime in the U.S. For those concerned about the high rate of gun crime in the U.S. compared with other nations, the findings pose some serious questions. Why are police far more likely to kill black men than any others, especially given that most of those killed by police are unarmed? And, what are the public health consequences of the centrality of firearms to American values and identity? Perhaps its time to frame media representation of black men and boys which overwhelmingly portrays them as perpetrators and victims of gun crime as a national public health crisis. Certainly, this pervasive imagery has an effect on the expectation among police that they will be armed, despite the fact that they are the least likely racial group to be. Pews data also suggest that tackling gun crime in the U.S. will require the decoupling of American values, traditions, rituals, and identity from firearms, as they seem to be tightly linked for many gun owners. These associations likely fuel the scientifically debunked good guy with a gun thesis that suggests that gun ownership makes society safer. Sadly, a mountain of scientific evidence shows that it does not, and its important that we understand the cultural underpinnings of gun ownership if we really want to have a safer society.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Marketing Planning At Just Us Cafes Case Study Essay
Marketing Planning At Just Us Cafes Case Study - Essay Example Enhancing Customer Experience and Expanding Loyal Customer Base 13 Integrating New Media to Promote the Brand 17 Conclusion 20 References 22 Introduction The case study relates to ‘Just Us’ which began its operations in the year 1996 under the Co-operative Association Act. It initiated as one of the earliest fair trade coffee roasters in Canada. ‘Just Us’ evolved as a worker-owned and operated for-profit coffee co-operative that essentially imported, roasted and sold both wholesale as well as retail fair trade, organic coffee brought from fair trade authorised coffee manufacturers from different parts of the world. The main vision of the company is to be one of the leaders in the Fair Trade business focusing upon quality along with professionalism as well as innovation so that all its stakeholders would be benefited to a great extent (Just Us, 2012). Marketing planning at Just Us is significant because it will try to identify the various challenges that the company face and thus in light of the strengths and opportunities faced by the company, it will be aimed to focus upon how the company’s performanc e can be enhanced (Just Us, 2012). The main objective of the study is to discuss the internal as well as external marketing environment of Just Us. The study will also entail the ethical issues that have been raised in the context of the case study. The significance of product life-cycle concept to Juliet and the problem that can be faced by the company due to deleting a product from the company’s product range will also be discussed in adequate detail. The study will endeavour to offer suggestions to improve the cafe’s performance and provide recommendations on how the company can update its current marketing programme. Internal and External Environment of ‘Just Us’ All the factors within the organisation that affects the strengths and causes weaknesses in an organisation are referred to as internal environment. All the factors outside the organisation that offer opportunities and thus pose threats to an organisation are referred to as external environment (Kazmi, 2008). External Analysis a t ‘Just Us’ For the purpose of creating effectual strategies Just Us Cafe needs to examine the external environment in which it tends to operate. The analyses of factors such as competitor analysis, PEST analysis, Porters 5 Forces Model are crucial in this scenario. Competitor Analysis ‘Just Us’ has numerous competitors across the product line in the local market such as Nova Scotia and also in the wider market such as Canada and the US. It is quite important for the company to comprehend the competitors’ resources in order to predict the degree of future threats. Java Factory is found to be one of the significant threats to Just Us. One of the specific competitors of Just Us has been Kicking Horse in the Canadian market. Therefore, it can be stated that competition poses a major threat to the company (Loudyi & et. al., 2009). PEST Analysis It has been evident from the case study that one of the political factors, which has been hindering the success ful operations of ‘Just Us’ was certified identification of actual fair trade. There is constant alteration in the economic environment. The case study demonstrates the fact that a few of the competitors are offering partly organic ranges along with mainstream organic coffees. It has been identified that Just Us practices premium pricing strategy. However, in the recent times the companies need to consider the disposable income of the consumers in choosing the products. Therefore, it is quite important for Just Us to be aware of the fact that consumers feeling for one particular product can be impacted by their income, despite how
Sunday, February 2, 2020
MySelf Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
MySelf - Essay Example Possessing such positive moral values would help to mold an individual into a true human being. These values have taught me to be more responsible both in my personal and professional life and to the society at large. And it is with the help of these qualities that I hope to achieve my career goals in the near future. Right from the start of my educational journey, I have always believed that the purpose of education should not be merely attributed to gaining degrees and work; rather it should contribute to the overall development of the individual. It should enable the individual to distinguish between right and wrong and also stick to what they believe. While some of these skills and capabilities can be gained from an institution, an individual can also derive such learning and thinking experiences during his contact with his family or the outside world either in his work or other related activities. The manner in which an individual presents himself to the world with or without the qualities and attributes presented above will help to determine the true nature of his education. Both my educational and work experiences have been vital learning and enriching experiences in my life. The experience gained from the summer jobs that I undertook following completion of high school have made me become more efficient and resourceful. They have also helped me learn the importance of team work and the need to build strong interpersonal relationships with working partners both in the internal and external work environments. It is my long-cherished dream to pursue my education and excel in the chosen field. Both me and my family have faced several setbacks in life but the moral values and principles that we have believed in have us the strength and courage to face them with a positive spirit and overcome them with right reasoning and tact. Despite the various challenges that I have encountered in life, I have always been keen on having a career and
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Performance Appraisal: Reliability and Effectiveness
Performance Appraisal: Reliability and Effectiveness Introduction The whole principle of this study report is to identify and appreciate the value of performance appraisal system, from the staff point of view, in command to notify a developed system that will be executed in Sidmak Laboratories (India) Pvt. Ltd. The first chapter gives a general idea of the entire dissertation. It will present background to the research, give explanation exactly what the matter is that needs research, validate the project, and present a summary of the methodology that will be used. Background to the research Sidmak India was established in 1984 in technical collaboration with Sidmak USA. Sidmak India has successfully adopted various technology platforms under this collaboration and continues to develop additional technologies. Sidmak Laboratories (India) Pvt. Ltd. is a pharmaceutical corporation contains developing ability at Gujarat, India. Sidmak point towards at improved safety and ease for human life through a dedicated excellence in manufacturing recommendation drugs, specifically oral dosages. The organisation is permitted by W.H.O. as per GMP rule and by local FDA as per Drug and Cosmetic Act. The organisation has skill in the production of constant release solid dosage mode. Sidmak manufactures both pharmaceuticals as well as nutraceuticals products. The organisation preserves highest level of quality by sticking on to cGMP and cGLP compliance rule in manufacturing products and meeting national and international requirement. Working with Sidmak has given me good experience about how to work in an organisation. It has also given me knowledge about the flow or work from one department to another department. Thought the work flow is very smooth in Sidmak, I personally feel that it can be more productive and beneficial to the employee and the organisation if company adopts proper appraisal system. Research Questions The whole research dilemma relates to the reliability and effectiveness of performance appraisal systems. The literature review will sketch many comments in relation to the plan and function of such systems. It was transparent from administrating the literature review that a large amount had been written regarding the effectiveness of performance appraisal system. The goal, therefore, of this dissertation is to realize and appreciate the effectiveness of performance appraisal, from the staff point of view. Four objectives have been recognised, and by undertaking these unified objectives, a comprehensive literature review, and new practical research, answers to the problem should be known. The objectives of this research are: Figure: 1 Methodology The research pattern take on is interpretive. The interpretive model is an idealistic location which is related to with understanding the way we humans build logic of the world surrounding us (Saunder at al, 2007). The purpose for this method are set out in describe in the methodology. The study method is qualitative. The methodology is extra related with human questions than pure science. The literature review does not place out a specific theory, but does set up a theoretical structure to assist the gathering and study of data, to respond the research issues. The preferred research tactic is a case study. The practical data will be established on qualitative interview techniques. This will present the utmost transform of successful research, as it will quantify human reaction. It can also be accomplished inside the timescale of the project. Semi-structured interviews and utilise of secondary data from comprehensive Employee estimation Survey will be incorporated in the research methods. The primary source includes the personal experience which I had experienced while working with Sidmak Laboratories (I) Pvt. Ltd. and the secondary sources includes information gathered through surfing the internet, information available on intranet site on knowledge management, different study materials, and sample performance appraisal forms obtained from reliable resources. The research will permit evaluation between groups of employees, to find out if duration of service or superiority is a issue. Privacy will be guaranteed to participants and the information will be edited to look after the identification of persons before it is pass around to the organisations management board. Outline of the chapters Chapter 1 This chapter presents a summary of the entire project. It puts out what the research area is, splits it down into a sequence of objectives for the project, and associates this to the background of the firm that is to be researched in depth. Chapter 2 This section reviews literature related to the research purposes. It constructs a theoretical establishment upon which the research is build. It starts with an assessment of what performance is, and why it is measured. The vital parts of a valuable and efficient performance appraisal system consist of recognize its foundations and the important steps that set the foundation. It is also essential to make out the objectives and advantages of this system. For profit realization it is required to recognize Key Result Areas (KRAs) i.e. goal setting and observe resulting performance so that a significant relationship between performance, reward and development of necessary skills, through counseling, can be set up. And a lot of thinking, suggestions and bright ideas are required to be done to develop a sensible appraisal system by assessing available techniques and execution process. The section then takes into account how performance appraisal fits into the parent control of performance m anagement. A study of literature including appraisal systems and their application follows, and this consists of reference to new appraisals. The above data will then direct to the creating of the conceptual type that will be build up through the research. Chapter 3 This section explains the methodology that will be employed to collect the primary data. It will sketch the research model selected, put out the research strategy, and also give explanation for the selection of the methodology. Ethical problems will also be focused in this chapter. Chapter 4 This section will put forward the findings of the research. Due to the diverse ways used to research the issues, some of the findings will be put out in text, and some will be displayed in tables. The data will be examined in research of the following chapter, which sets out the conclusions. Chapter 5 This section will put out conclusions on the subject of the research objectives through connecting the research findings, with the findings of section 2. The chapter will talk about the limitations of the research and place opportunities for further research that will ahead make clear the problem area. Chapter 6 Based on the conclusion of section 5, this section involves advices and suggestions for new performance appraisal system. Summary This beginning section has familiarized the reader to the organisation, and quoted its new transformation. The section has exposed the need, to build up a performance culture, and contained by that, a full-bodied performance appraisal system. The research question and objectives have been put out, together with the methodology to be used to deal with the objectives.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Bone Forensic Anthropologists Essay
1 How did your findings compare to the rest of your team and to the actual data provided by your teacher? What could account for any variation? 2 Why do you think the pelvis is often the first bone forensic anthropologists look to in determining sex from skeletal remains? The pelvis is the first bone anthropologist look at because a male can not fit a human head through their pelvis. A female (the one that is pregnant) can fit a babies head through her pelvis because its wide enough and doesnt have anything blocking where the baby comes out at. 3 The developmental occurrences you used to determine age stopped at age 25. What are other clues a forensic anthropologist may be able to use to determine age if the bones belong to a person over age 25? Determining the age of a sub-adult skeleton is examination of the teeth and jaw by a forensic anthropologist. However, a comparative analysis may be made using the skull sutures and epiphyseal fusion in the young-adult skeleton. Sutures are the zigzag â€Å"seams†where the bones of the skull meet. Endocranial sutures (inside the skull) are more reliable as an aging method than is ectocranial suture analysis. 4 What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative evidence? Explain how both types of measurements played a role in this activity. Quantitative data Observations that do not involve numbers. These observations were definitely used in this activity when we obsered things like â€Å"heart-shaped vs. round pelvis†or â€Å"blunt vs. sharp upper eye sockets. Quantitative observations are numerical observations. We also used these in this activity for measurements on the sub-pubic angle, the length of leg and arm bones, the nasal index, etc. 5 To analyze the long bones, the femur and the humerus, you looked at bone markings such as condyles, tuberosities and trochanters. Look back at the photographs and at the bone markings on your Maniken ®. How would you describe these markings in your own words? Which features do you think separate each class of markings from the others? 1. In this activity, you were able to analyze skeletal remains in order to determine four particular traits of an individual. In a real life situation, scientists could provide a more detailed description of the individual based on additional information that can be acquired from the bones of this person. Describe at least two other pieces of information you could possibly learn from bone. Make sure to provide a specific example for each piece of information.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Summary Good Morning, Mister Blake - 1094 Words
â€Å"Good morning, Mister Blake, Misses Blake,†the man said, stepping aside. William led Mary down a flight of stairs to the basement. During the week, the basement housed a daycare center and preschool. Children’s artwork adorned the walls. Classrooms with tiny desks and reading nooks flanked a large open area. William spotted Sage in the back of the room speaking with the Reverend. Sage waved William over. â€Å"Here,†William said, handing Mary the coffee cake. â€Å"I’m going over to see Sage for a minute. Bring this over to the baked goods table and mingle a little. I’ll be right back.†He felt Mary bristle and tighten her grip on his arm. â€Å"It’ll only be a minute, I promise.†William gave Mary a quick kiss on the cheek and walked through the crowd. He did his best to nod and keep moving, lest he get pulled into any side conversations; holding his first Sunday-morning conversation with the two most important people in the room would signal his status to anyone observing the social dynamics. â€Å"William, come on over here,†Sage said, slipping his arm around William’s shoulder and pulling him into the conversation. William could feel many eyes on him. The physical embrace by the highest-ranking member in The Movement sent a subtle signal to everyone in the basement. â€Å"Good morning, Sage, Reverend DeWitt,†William said. â€Å"Good morning,†Reverend DeWitt said. â€Å"I understand that congratulations are in order.†â€Å"Thank you, sir.†â€Å"A law degree in hand and a first child on the way; this is
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Coherence Interruption Free Essay Example, 750 words
The argument by Jamake Highwater that poetry destroys everyday language is true. This emergence of sound poems, which are abstract, poems or poems that without words is what has contributed to this. For one to construct them, they have to break down language into its various abstract parts which comprise of individual letters and syllables and then reconfigure them into meaningless sounds. The other alternative to abstract poems is poems which are in multiple languages and when read at once appear as intelligible (Hawley 104). Through destroying everyday language, sound poems offer a metaphor for destruction which arises due to war and a commentary to act on deceitfulness of language. Poetry is proficient in that it is real in that people write it to express real emotions. It also enables a person to think critically and see beyond the surface. A poet does it through metaphors or abstracts to make a person think critically. Poetry also expresses beauty and emphasizes art. Poetry is different from everyday speech and writing. Poetry brings the issue of ambiguity is expressing various opinions. We will write a custom essay sample on Coherence & Interruption or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page
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